But now, after i heard from someone about Hello Kitty, i just realized that actually Hello Kitty is pretty creepy and scary.
They said : Hello Kitty used to have mouth and paw, just like normal kitten. Hello Kitty was created by a random Ah Pek , he made the toy and give to his grandchild. After his grandchild get the gift, he fall sick and then , he died.
You know la, old people love to keep old stuff and give to other. so, this toy passed to another children, died also.
So after many kids died after they get this toy, FINALLY someone think that something must be wrong. So they made the damn FEAR FACTOR thing and they found out that....
The Hello Kitty actually used its nail to dig out the brain from children's ear and eat it. U know why nobody know about this? Because it licked all the bloodstain with it's tongue.
Belum habis lagi.....
They were so scared and some of them even wet their pants. so they wait till next morning, and the Hello Kitty back to the normal soft toy look. They use the bamboo stick and poking the soft toy to make sure that it wont bite. Then they play scissor paper stone to choose who is the one going to destroy the toy.
An unlucky guy who is meant to be the HERO OF THE WORLD ( actually he just lost in the game ) pick the toy up, and pluck off the "fingers" and the nails. He use the needle sew up its mouth and throw the toy into the sea after their traditional GHOST CHASING CEREMONY.
Maybe this toy is mean to be famous or what, it'd successfully swan over the pacific ocean, atlantica ocean, South China ocean and finally, it arrived JAPAN and picked up by another random Ah Pek. Because of the mouthless and fingerless kitten is " CAWAII" in Ni-hon people's eyes, so this Ah Pek decided to produce thousand and thousand of the toy and sell to those who " yi yi ah ah!!! CAWAII DESU NEEEE" when they see this toy.
Few years later, this Ah Pek establish a company, SANARIO.
But still, some of the people still believe that one day, this Hello Kitty will be awake and eat people brain again, so , make sure ur Hello Kitty is pirated and not from Sanario Company.
P/s : okay la actually part of the story is bluff 1 la...But i really heard before that actually Hello Kitty is haunting by EVIL Devil .
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