cuz all the sudden, nothing else seems matters anymore.
branded bag, shopping, study, no, nothing.
i rather to hide myself under my blanket, making the weird dream.
anticipate what's going to happen to me on next few day.
signed out twitter from my phone so no longer will see any notification, for now.
signed out fb from my phone and phone, so i will keep myself from updating my random status or let the happy kk entertain u by random meaningless shits.
i'm down.
i'm falling into this deep dark hole.
no one giving me a hand.
no, not now.
i'm feeling frustrated, feeling hate to the world.
Because everything is out of control, unlike usual, i can handle it, but all comes together, its freaking me now, i'm not scared, more like nervous.
hand is shaking, eyes is blinking.
cold shower doesn't seem work for me anymore.
my weakness is always family, my own personal issues.
and these comes together its like the earthquake before the end of the world.
life is full with shit.
i'm learning to deal with it, but not now. No.