Sunday, March 20, 2011

You know that thing always go against your will
You know that there's no point to hold on

But you just can't help and begging for the miracle
which is impossible, on top of it, NO FREAKING WAY to make it happen.

Life isn't fair
Some people can get anything they want while sitting on the couch and eating cereal like Rebecca Black
Some people work their ass off but what they get is disappointment, disapprove, regret and all the negative shits.

Life isn't fair.
Some people born in rich family,
They didn't know whats about life,
What they care is about the next fall designer bag
Some people born in poor family,
They didn't get to know how the feel
Of eat so full the stomach almost burst.
What they care is about their bill and next meal.

Life isn't fair.
Some people tend to hurts others feeling,
Because they know they are like the pop-star
"You don't like me? Fine,
i can get someone better to replace you."
Some people get hurts by someones they care.
They work so hard to help everyones,
End up when they need the help,
People giving lame excuses.

Life isn't fair.
You thought that if you like someone long enough,
they will noticing you
Care about you
You thought that if you change yourself for them
They will be so thankful
and Glad for you.
But actually they,
or the specific someone,
They dont give a shit about you.
They dont give a F about you.
You are like Nothing to them.
With or without you,
Life still goes on.

Life isn't fair.
Its can never be fair for everyone anyone.
You get the best life in the world,
but you are actually empty inside.

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