let me scare your shits out with my OMG-WTF-IS-THIS pic.
Thats right, today is 31st December 2010, 3:05am to be exact.Seriously i don't really feel any special, only that "oh shit im getting older damnit".
Well, age is just a number, the way you think and how you look like matters the most =)
2010 been a really awesome year for me, i'm finally graduated from diploma, and continue to further my studies in TARC. College's life aint that suck but still not good. All the assignments, midterm test, final exam and so on is sort of driving me nut, good thing this i always managed to handle it, Thanks God for that.
Had several car accidents in this year... 80% is not my fault but ya.. 20% is because of my reckless+ awesome+ kononya drift queen driving skill.
Family... everything is okay, i am glad that my mum finally have faith on me that i can do well in my studies, and my parents been really supportive when i said i want to continue my studies. Because before i finish my remain resit paper, i told them that i won't study anymore. haha. I love you Mummy and Daddy!! My 2nd sister is having her training in Taiwan Hospital and my 4th sis is currently in China to do her student exchange program, i miss you both =( For my eldest sis, i am glad she managed to get what she want, and she getting so WTF pretty and prettier kanasai. And my lil sis.. finish her PMR, well.. the results is not that good but still okay la. U better make sure you will put more efforts next time.
Knowing a lot of new friends this year.. and awesome classmates as well. =) Kirsten, Vivian and Jazz Si are always there for me when i need someone to talk to, and being really supportive friends =) Thanks God for let me knows u guys!
Thanks God that keeping my family safe and healthy.
Thanks God that protect me, my family and friends.
Thanks God that my both sisters who are study in other country is safe and happy.
Thanks to my family who always there for me whenever i need help, and never abandoned me although i done so many wrong and unforgivable thing.
Thanks to my family to take care of me for all these years.
Thanks to Kirsten, we been knowing each other for almost 5 years =) thanks for listening all my problems and craps when i need someone to complain.
Thanks to Vivian who always there for me when i'm in very bad mood, and thanks for being so understanding and caring. =)
Thanks to Jazz Si, kanasai, its been 10years oi!!! xD She always know what i am going to do next step or what am i going to say.
Thanks to my friends who offer their help whenever i need. I'm glad that i have you guys by my side.
Thanks to my cute classmates to mark my attendance for me muahahaha!
Happy 2011.=)
and yes, its 3:32am now.