here the fact : u know why girl took so long to take a bath?
she grabbed her clothes and the towel, go into bathroom, after she wash her hair and waiting for the "3-minutes conditioner time", she look into mirror, "study" her pores.
Get depress after found out so many blackhead whitehead yellowhead on her face, so she decided to do the pore cleansing mask, and not to forget, her hair conditioner still on her hair.
After apply the mask over the face, she realized that she forget to wash off the conditioner, so she went to wash off the conditioner, and clay mask get wet. SO. she have to re-apply again. But wait, she forgot to do the scrub before apply the mask, so she washed off the mask, and scrub her face. after scrub her face, she go to apply the clay mask, Again.
while waiting the mask dry out, she went to blow her hair dry, she found out that her hair in bad condition, split end blah blah blah, so she went to do her hair mask. after her hair mask, her clay mask is dry enough to be tear off, so she tear off her mask, and, "study" her blackhead whitehead whatever head on the mask.
30 minutes later, okay, now she still study her "things" on the clay mask and she realized that she forgot to wash her hair mask, so she go to wash off the hair mask. while she washing her hair, she saw that her nails color is chipped off.
and again, she straight away went to re-apply her nails color and totally forgot that she hvnt fully wash her hair. While she applying her nails color, her favourite drama is on the show, so she watch the drama and forgot that she was applying her nails color.
30 minutes later, the show is finished, and she go to on Facebook like usual. 15 minutes later, she just realized that she hvnt finish her nails coloring and also wash her hair. and then, another 30 minutes.
That's the reasons why girl always take so long to take a "shower" LMAO.